Enthusiastic Verbal Consent with Dr. Jacob Towery

Leigh Harrington • October 7, 2021

Get Dr. Jacob Towery's latest thinking on consent.  If you grew up in the 70's, 80's or before you might have some adjusting to do - thank goodness!  

Dr. Jacob Towery is an author, speaker, therapist, physician, psychiatrist and a super cool human being.  Here Dr. Towery talks with Dr. Harrington about the topic of CONSENT.
Thank you so much, Dr. Towery for sharing this information and yourself with the world!
Get ready!  This is a good one.  :-)

Dr. Towery can be found at https://www.jacobtowerymd.com/ or in Palo Alto helping his clients heal and leading an amazing life.
Dr. Towery is the author of The Anti-Depressant Book, sold on Amazon and articles published in The Washington Post, The New York Time and elsewhere.

If you enjoy this conversation, you might enjoy Feeling Good Podcast #210 in which David Burns, MD, Rhonda Barovsky, PsyD, and Jacob Towery, MD have a lively conversation about flirting!


Enthusiastic Verbal Consent with Dr. Jacob Towery, Part 1

In Part 1, Dr. Towery shares how he became aware/discovered this concept of consent, the history of consent for couples in the United States, where we are now, and where he sees us going.

Enthusiastic Verbal Consent with Dr. Jacob Towery, Part 2

In Part 2, Dr. Towery shares words you can use when asking for consent with each step in physical interactions in an intimate relationship, starting with a hug and hand-holding.

"What do you think of that?"

"Would you like ____ ?"

"Would you enjoy ___ ?"

If you get a "no" how to receive it graciously.

"Okay.  Thanks for taking care of yourself."

He references a funny and poignant video you can find here:


Enthusiastic Verbal Consent with Dr. Jacob Towery, Part 3 - pending questions from listeners that would invite further discussion.

In Part 3, Dr. Towery responds to questions about ...

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