The Habit of Believing

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The Habit of Believing in You and other Micro-Habits with Major Implications


Are you ready to believe in YOU?

Develop the most powerful habit of all: The Habit of Believing in you!

Our habits hold us back or propel us forward - every day. Build a habit of believing in you! Build a habit and watch that launch your belief in you!

Our thoughts have the power to influence our habits, and our habits have the power to shape our thoughts about ourself. If you are ready to start changing the story you tell yourself about you, this bootcamp may be just what you are looking for.

Do you “Should” yourself into submission?

Do you accomplish what you want, but at a large personal expense, still believing it was just a fluke, you just got by, you might not deserve it or not believing in your ability to do it next time?

Do you have an idea, but perfectionism gets in the way?

In this bootcamp we will look at how the Cognitive Model and the Habit Model interact with each other and how to use them together to get better results in both areas.

Have you ever beaten up on yourself for not changing a habit?

Have you ever tried a new habit, just for fun? Just to see if you could do it?

If you have your new year's resolutions dialed in, come to add another.

If you've got none or have lost sight of your resolution, or your ability to implement - join us to develop an empowering new habit this year!

You may just find it changes your whole life!

We will meet Mondays at 9am PT 12pm Eastern Time, 5pm London Time, and 9:30pm Indian Standard Time, and 2am Australian Eastern Standard Time .

DATES: We will meet January 9, 23, 30, Feb 6, 13 with our Slack Group open through the last week of February for support and celebrations.

Each class will last 45-60 minutes.

If the time doesn't work for you every week, no worries. We've got you covered. All classes will be recorded and available to participants during the course. Also, some material will be pre-recorded to allow us connection and practice time.

Slack group will be available during the bootcamp for additional support, celebration, encouragement, and connecting.

If you would like to get a sneak peak at the agenda, email us at:

* This course will focus on "everyday" habits, micro-habits, and habits of the mind. We will not focus on Addictions. If you are looking for an excellent Habit-Addiction Course, I recommend Thai-An Troung's course which can be found here: Habits and Addictions — TEAM-CBT Training (

This course, The Habit of Believing in You, would be an excellent follow up course to Thai-An's Habit-Addiction Course.

* This course is appropriate for therapists, medical professionals, counselors, and anyone in the mental health field who is willing to risk taking their life in a new direction.

Any and all human beings interested in transforming their life by creating new habits, please email us at: to get in on the group for the public coming soon!!

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